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Subject: We have positions for consultants in Denmark......
16/01/11, 16:52
ecoman |
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We have positions for consultants in Denmark....
If you are looking for work or just to supliment your current wage KaffeECO are a newly formed business group with offices at Greve. Owned by a British expat, he is looking for persons who will be able to represent a good image of the company. Varied tasks with marketing and support provides a foundation for hugely beneficial provision based wage. Our current consultants are fully trained and excited about moving forward. Not only is there immediate provision on sales, but ongoing monthly provision, therefore you build and build. It is a great opportunity and we are only intending on taking a limited number of consultants.
Don't miss out. Contact Malcolm as soon as possible.
mb@kaffe-eco.dk or +45 60643696
Vehicle not required, but an advantage
Danish language not required if fluent English.
Previous experience in sales not a must, but will be an advantage.
Full training provided to support.
Look forward to speaking with you.
Best regards
Malcolm Bell
Managing director
Part of NPC Handelsgruppen |
Subject: Latest newsletter..
07/02/11, 10:51
Dagmar |
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Latest newsletter
Take a look at the January 12, 2011 newsletter.
Subject: New fees for Denmark.
With the newsletter we inform you of legal changes, important topics and hints & tips of which you might not be aware yet.
Should you know something that you consider important for the commnuity, please let us know (contact @ worktrotter.dk) |
Last edited on: 07/02/11, 10:51 by Dagmar for the Reason
Subject: Freelancing in Denmark - for Foreign Employer..
07/01/11, 15:56
nicole.terhorst |
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Freelancing in Denmark - for Foreign Employer
Hello, I hope anybody of you has experience with my particular "problem" and can help with some advice.
I will move to Copenhagen at the end of January and will keep my current full-time job, but as a freelancer. I will be working for a German company but will of course pay my taxes in Denmark.
Do you know if I can still invoice the typical 19% "Mehrwertsteuer" (some form of VAT) on my bill for the German companywhile being registered in Denmark? I hope that it might be possible (and legal) somehow as it would help me tremendously to cover the Danish taxes.
Thanks for your help!
Nicole |
Subject: Customer Support Assistant who speaks English, German, Italian and Fre..
28/12/10, 11:19
Dagmar |
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Customer Support Assistant who speaks English, German, Italian and French
Subject:Customer Support Assistant who speaks English, German, Italian and French
We have so many members with great language skill, so, I am sure we have a number of people that fit to this position.
Customer Support Assistant who speaks English, German, Italian and French fluently
Apply even if you don't have all the requested knowledge like e.g. the 4 years of LotusNotes. If you're good, you can learn such things rather quickly. Important that you convince them, that you can do it. |
Subject: Re:Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
25/12/10, 16:46
Galina |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
Compare to others we had less amount of problems. Our lendlord was replaying very slow as result we never knew how long we had to live with broken stuff. We also had heating included in our rent (500 kronas per month) but apparently our landlord was not transfering money to the heating company on time. As result after we left he received a huge bill and he deducted the money from our deposit. Also he returned the deposit 2 month later then he had to. |
Subject: New fees for applications when moving to Denmark..
21/12/10, 15:59
Dagmar |
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New fees for applications when moving to Denmark
This news will be interesting for many of you who consider moving to Denmark:
From Jan 1, 2011 fees will be charged for applications for family re-unification, stay and work permits for Denmark. This applies both for professionals and students.
Maybe you can send in your application before.
I could not find the information in Danish. Hope you can use Google translate to figure out if this applies to you as well. |
Last edited on: 21/12/10, 15:59 by Dagmar for the Reason
Subject: Re:Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
15/12/10, 22:13
renilde |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
We arrived in January 2010. We rented a house in Rungsted Kyst. It all looked nice and pleasant, but it went all wrong once we started living in it. Nothing worked properly because mainly the landlord was a cheapskate who had installed most of the kitchen himself, resulting in an oven that a exploded, a hood that did not work and a stove that worked on half capacity. The kitchen looked new, but that was another illusion: it were old cupboards with only new doors. All the other renovation work had been done by illegal immigrants from Lithuania or by himself, but our contract stipulated that we had to employ on Danish companies if we anted to do some work in the house. We tried to solve a few problems here and there ourselves, but every week another issue occured, like a leak in the basement from the kitchen the landlord flatly refused to have repaired. His standard answer to any repair was (since he had lived there himself before): it is good enough for me, it is good enough for you, or: it worked before, so you broke it, you mend it.The list of what was wrong is endless, no space to publish it here.
After long discussions with the real estate agent who had put the house on the market, and the relocation agent, a meeting was conducted in the presence of a lawyer. The rude and bullying landlord tried a few times shut up the lawyer without success. According to danish law, one can not install electric appliances themselves, but even if it is blatantly clear that this is the case no one does anything about it. The estimate was he should invest about 100.000 kr to bring the house up to standard (rent was 25.000). We propose him to leave the house instead which he reluctantly accepted after long discussions (!).. We moved out after 6 months of misery.
The problem with the landlords here is that they see expats as ideal victims: we don't speak Danish, we don't know who to turn to. Relocation agents who should defend our rights, don't do so because they want to be 'good friends' with real estate agents, since there are very few houses on the market. Real estate agents work for the owner and he pays their bill. There are no independent agents handling the rental contracts, such as is the case in other countries. We own a house in another country, it is rented out. This is handled by an agent, the persons living in our house just contacts this agent in case of problems. The agent sends immediately someone to repair. The bill is paid by us or by the tenant depending on the law, there are no needless discussions and emotions involved. Here you have to call the landlord himself who gets irritated, does not know or simply does not respects the law, answers in rude manners and flatly refuses to do something about the problem. Even the relocation agent does not know the law and if it is a repair to be paid by the tenant or by the owner, it is just extremely irritating. The tenant can only try to stay calm and friendly, and repeat the issue until the landlord gives in (or maybe not). and the tenant can pay for the repair himself. As expats we pay steep prices, in exchange of a nice house in perfect state, but that is just an illusion in Denmark. I heard so many complaints here from expats, nothing goes smoothly, tenants need to nag and nag before something is done or replaced. We lived as expats in 6 different countries and talking to a landlord was nowhere as hard as here. Another reason for irritation besides the way we feel treated here as foreigners, as the survey shows. |
Last edited on: 15/12/10, 22:13 by admin for the Reason
Subject: Re:Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
14/12/10, 09:55
Tanel |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
Length of stay: in Copenhagen since April 2010
Requested amount in Kr: 5200 DKK
Description of problem: We moved to Copenhagen in April 2010 and rented a private apartment in Rødovre. The neighborhood is nice and the apartment itself is ok too, but it in an old two-storied house and is not renovated. The official size of it is a bit over 52 m2. The landlord charged an amount of 5200 DKK for the rent only - additionally we had to pay for heating, electricity, water, cable TV and internet, which all summed up to about 6600 DKK monthly. In August 2010 begun we wonder, if we are paying too much and went to consult with an organization called LLO. To make the long story short, we ended up with 45% decrease of the rent (now the rent is about 2850 DKK plus all the extras) and getting back the overpaid money. The landlord tried to confuse us by sending us several letters through his lawyer, but we fought back. The whole process took 4 months.
So our suggestion is: if you have problems with your landlord, then go and consult with LLO. They charge you for their services, but it is worth it.
Cheers! |
Subject: Re:Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denmark?..
14/12/10, 08:39
herrkevin |
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Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denmark?
With the results of the survey having been released, I want to make a comment on the methodology of this survey.
First, thank you Dagmar for attempting to assess the feelings of the foreigner community in Denmark. It's not an easy task and I think this survey cast a much wider net than most internet surveys.
But with that said, we should be careful about drawing conclusions from the survey. This survey clearly suggests that larger, more funded organizations need to take a look at Denmark's foreigner community. But beyond that, exact conclusions about openness are unwarranted due to a number of bias issues in the survey.
Note that I none of what I am saying here is because I take issue with the results of the survey. I am just trying to point out that a more rigorous survey approach is needed to ensure the the true feelings of foreigners in Denmark are measured.
Here are some of the various biases this survey has, among many:
1. Only surveying internet users, and at that mainly those who go to particular websites (or are friends with those who go to those websites)
2. Survey users all spoke English.
3. The survey participants were mostly from the US, UK and India, but that does not reflect the distribution of nationalities in the wider ex-pat community in Denmark.
A statistically valid survey should compare the proportions of the people it surveys with the general population being surveyed to check to see if they match. For example, does this survey have the correct proportion of americans, indians, germans, swedes, etc surveyed? Also, is the gender split of the survey the same as the general foreigner population? |
Subject: Students with online marketing, sales, SEO, social networking skills -..
03/12/10, 15:07
Dagmar |
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Students with online marketing, sales, SEO, social networking skills - no Danish required
Subject:Students with online marketing, sales, SEO, social networking skills - no Danish required
We are looking for students with various skills:
- online marketing
- sales
- blogging and social networking in general
If you have good skills in one or more of the areas above and want to gain more practical experience in them, let us know.
Being active, open, taking initiative and having a good command of English is important.
Please contact me to find out more details
contact (a) worktrotter.dk |
Last edited on: 03/12/10, 15:07 by Dagmar for the Reason
Subject: Survey report: Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denm..
02/12/10, 13:37
Dagmar |
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Survey report: Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denmark
Subject:Survey report: Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denmark
The official report of the survey:
Do you perceive Danes open to foreigners living in Denmark?
is available now.
The survey results are worrying: 46% of the participants answered negatively to the above question, versus 26% who gave a positive assessment. Considering that 98% of the 703 survey participants are well-educated, this is a worrying result especially as Denmark claims the need for well-educated work-force from abroad.
Based on the comments of the participants there are 5 problem areas: social integration, government/authorities, media, language, not feeling treated as equal. Another interesting outcome of the survey is a strong discrepancy between what is claimed by Danes and how it is perceived by foreigners. |
Subject: Re:Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
01/12/10, 12:15
Subject: Not easy to get a job!..
01/12/10, 13:16
cenbi |
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Not easy to get a job!
Hello Members,
I'd like to share my problems concerning jobs in Denmark. I was born in Denmark and took one of the finest educations in Denmark. I'm graduated as a biotech engineer.
I got my education degree in Denmark for a couple of years ago. I've been unemployed since my graduation. Unfortunately, I have no relevant work experience.
It's really hard for me to get a job here in Denmark. I don't know what to do. I’ve been seeking for a job which I’m qualified for and strongly overqualified for, but with no luck.
It's not possible for me to work abroad, due to new law which forbids me to work abroad; otherwise I'll have to pay 120.000 dkk back to the government.
If there is someone working in a pharmaceutical company, please let me know. I hope to get a job in this way. I speak Danish and English fluently.
I'm considered as an immigrant in Denmark although I'm a full Danish citizen.
Besides, I'm very much active in linkedin and facebook. This hasn't given any results.
Regards, CB |
Last edited on: 01/12/10, 13:16 by cenbi for the Reason
Subject: Get your motor cycle driving license in DK, in English!!!!!..
25/11/10, 10:51
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Get your motor cycle driving license in DK, in English!!!!!
Hi all,
Since years, I wanted to get my driving license for the motor.
I found a school which will teach and take the exam with an official interpretor so that I can finally get it here. (I do not speak good enough Danish to do the normal exam and cannot do the exam in Holland since I do not live there anymore.)
The school will start with the course as soon I succeed in getting a group together of enthousiastic 'pupils'.
Anyone interested?
The course will start Spring 2011.
Looking forward to your responses!
Marieke |
Subject: Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
06/12/10, 15:15
Akki |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
we would like to collect stories around problens with housing and we consider sending a petition to the ministry that handles expat affairs regarding the housing situation in Copenhagen.
If you have rented an acco in past in Cph & have felt treated unjust please tell us in brief the following:
Length of stay:
Requested amount in Kr:
Description of problem:
Thank you.
here is what happened with us in short
Length of stay:36 months
Requested amount in Kr: more than 30,000.00
Description of problem:
we rented top floor of a house. Heating for 3 years was poor, once repair person came but nothing was fixed, we didnt recevie any bills till the time we had to move out, bills were fabricated using wrong data and asked us to pay 50% more than acconto & agency wilfully agreed with landlord to send those bills to us & expected us to pay when the landlord accepts that heating was not efficient and when agency knows about the heating problem. There was no spearate electricity meter for our area of the house. Eventually the meter was installed without telling us what wires were connected. we have been paying more than 1100 Kr a month for a 100 sqm area used by only 2 people.Repeated reminders to agency has not resulted in anything.
Landlord never let us know when he was about to enter the house and would do so on his own will without involving agency. In the end when we moved out they forced us to do handover "virtually". We could not be presnet on the date but they forced us anyways. They sent us a 15,000 Kr bill for cleaning which could be done in 1000-3000 Kr.
There is absolutely no way we can do anything about this unless we spend huge time and money into getting lawyers engaged etc. I have heard many many similar stories from all the expats in my office & other places.
Please let us know your experiences.
thanks |
Last edited on: 06/12/10, 15:15 by admin for the Reason
Subject: Green Card Holders Association in Denmark..
31/10/10, 22:18
Sohail |
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Green Card Holders Association in Denmark
Dear Green Card Holders,
You all are well aware of existing/upcoming government policies regarding green card scheme, most of them by-the-way, are not in favor of Green Card holders. We all are already stressed due to not having proper jobs here and then these policies are likely to make our life more difficult.
Each month, hundreds of new qualified immigrants are arriving to Denmark on green card scheme for better career, but Danish government is not providing any kind of facilitation for getting jobs and integrating in society other than free language course.
We all have to raise our voice for our rights, otherwise no one bother about us and most of green card holders will keep on doing odd job or will stay jobless, which is not an ideal scenario for us. That’s why we are going to team up for making an association of green card holders, to bring together all green card holders on same platform, and work for our own rights and better career and a prosperous future.
You all are requested to actively participate in this association for your own sake and invite other green card holders. We need volunteers for event management, promotion, and media work. You can reply to this message to tell us your opinion and what part you can play in this association. Or reply at greencard.dk@gmail.com
Together we create opportunities!
Danish Green Card Holders Association (CVR No. 33177526)
Group on Facebook
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Aamir Sohail
+45 50388606 |
Subject: Input for the Ministry?..
14/10/10, 10:56
Dagmar |
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Input for the Ministry?
We are going to have a meeting tomorrow at the Ministry of economic and business affairs to speak about various aspects regarding international entrepreneurs / business owners in Denmark.
If you want something to be addressed, please let me know by sending an email to contact @ worktrotter.dk.
Dagmar |
Subject: Re:How to find an appartment to rent without paying in a website..
09/10/10, 14:56
very_udansk |
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How to find an appartment to rent without paying in a website
I could only repeat what mr. moderator has written here.
It's going to be tough. Sorry can't help. Most Danes are signed up in the system already and they've already in the waiting list since they were confirmed or so, that doesn't give much chance for us foreigners to get a place. The only available are the ones with exorbitant rental price |
Subject: help... badly need help..
29/09/10, 18:37
jeffrn |
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help... badly need help
Hi, I badly need help and advice. I am a nurse from Philippines and now I am in denmark together with my girlfriend. We applied for student visa and was granted a residence permit until December 31, 2010. It is very difficult to get a working visa to DK from my country. So what we did was, we enrolled in a folkschool here in grinsted. Before we go here we have already sent our diplomas and other nursing papers to sundhedsstyrelsen and we were granted a temporary autorisation. But we have to find a hospital were we can have a trial period of 6 months, once we are finished with the trial period and gets a positive feedback, we can get permanent autorisation. And of course we have to learn the language. so we applied for a student visa and was granted
It has been 7 months that we are jobless, we have worked for 5 years in the hospital before. we have sent an applications to almost all hospitals and some plejecenters but no luck... Right now we are on a praktik (gratis) in plejehjem. It’s really really hard. In addition to that my mom who lives here for 13 years became pensionist and she only gets 6 thousand kroner from kommune. I’d like to ask for help and advice on what to do. How can we extend our visa? 3 months left….please help…. we are willing to take any job as long as we can stay and get money and take care of my mom... Godbless to all… |
Last edited on: 29/09/10, 18:37 by jeffrn for the Reason
Subject: Student Assistant for IT portal in FLSmidth..
20/09/10, 09:46
GN Byg |
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Student Assistant for IT portal in FLSmidth
The Position
The position is a part time position in the Global IT department. The candidate will report to head of Business Relations.
The key task facing the Candidate is to help sharpen, re-launch and accelerate the communication within the Global IT department as well from the Global IT department to its clients. The task is part of a strategic initiative, which focuses on creating a stronger client focus in the department.
There will be a strong emphasis on conveying business impact of IT Guidelines, and IT decisions to the entire organization.
The tasks will include:
• critically review and update material from the existing intranet solution to a new one (SharePoint)
• Develop written communication and support the IT management team in developing compelling written communication (developed with the reader in mind)
• Develop compelling storylines for core messages
• sparring with IT managers regarding core messages
The candidate is expected to posses the following competencies and/or experiences:
Professional Competencies
Are currently in the last year of a bachelor degree or in the first year of a masters degree in communication (e.g. at Roskilde University, or similar).
Have documented or demonstrated knowledge of media and communication theories, including some in depth understanding of target group analysis (interests, and information needs).
Have a structured approach to developing compelling communication with a clear message
Some experience in working with internet as a media
English as working language
Personal, social and leadership competencies
Excellent interpersonal communication skills and ability to collaborate across teams
The candidate is curious, engaged, self motivated, goal oriented and engages in open and challenging dialogues
Comfortable with changes and feel at ease in an informal and sometimes hectic intercultural environment
Starts with the end in mind
Contact Business Manager, Michael Kraus
MIKR@flsmidth.com |