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Subject: Re:Unwritten rules and wokplace culture in DK..
15/03/10, 20:53
Liza |
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Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK
If you are new to Denmark or been here a while then I can certainly recommed you attend a Worktrotter event such as this. The meet is informative, provides an excellent insight into working in Denmark with Q&A opportunites. At the end of the session there is opportunity for networking in a friendly and relaxed environment - voice further questions and share experiences. |
Subject: Re:Unwritten rules and wokplace culture in DK..
11/03/10, 13:59
Kati |
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Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK
The seminar gave me good practical advice to put into practice not only in the work situation but also for communication with Danes.
I shared my new knowledge with fellow students in the 'studieprøve' class at Studieskolen and received positive feedback. It aroused interest in worktrotter.dk.
The topic of the Danish workplace culture is hot, without doubt. I would personally have enjoyed even a more detailed insight with case studies. Hopefully it is possible to broaden the time and contents this wonderful seminar sometimes in future.
Many thanks for useful knowledge,
Kati Nielsen |
Subject: Re:Unwritten rules and wokplace culture in DK..
05/03/10, 09:10
Subject: Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK..
15/03/10, 21:07
Dagmar |
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Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK
This is was a joint event between Prosa (IT trade union) and Worktrotter.
A great crowd of 40 attendees participated actively in the session and many interesting points came up.
Please share you views about this event. Helps motivating others to participate next time.
The Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark |
Last edited on: 15/03/10, 21:07 by admin for the Reason
Subject: Highly recommend Worktrotter's Guide.....
04/03/10, 09:43
Jenni |
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The Worktrotter's guide to Denmark
Highly recommend Worktrotter's Guide...
I SO wish I had had a copy of Dagmar's Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark before I moved here two years ago. It would have saved a lot of frustration!! And adjusted my expectations just a bit. In any case, it is a MUST-HAVE book for anyone who has moved or is thinking of moving to Denmark. I don't know of any other more comprehensive reference for ex-patriats. |
Subject: Re:Anarconomy..
24/02/10, 13:52
judith |
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It was a wonderful session, with lots of questions, comments and discussions. Tryíng to identify and summarize the main themes with which we can describe and predict the development of society, science, etc., is pretty challenging stuff! |
Subject: Re:Stand out online..
24/02/10, 12:43
meeuwisscn |
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Hey people,
Nice to meeting you all and yes again a great event, thanks. Let's see Anarconomy. Yes, things are for free like open source, music mp3, digital books, wiki's, FB etc. but what have they all in common? It is not substantial. I mean you have to update your open source, you can download your music or digital book, but still there are people who want the CD or book,"the real thing" it is like fetishism. People will always fall back on their surroundings. So what is the meaning of all of this? It is creating a need to tease a little and standing out, give something away for free, to harvest in the end. Yes, with the danger that people who are standing out to far are loosing their heads.
The future is already started with the first free content on the Net. It is up to us to use it, and yes even make mistakes, if there is a mistake or problem that you can make. Everything is negotiable after my opinion. But talk with eachother and get connected. (For the people whom i gave my card don't be afraid to get connected on linkedin or facebook.)
I use media platforms to get noticed. To either get a job that suites me or carry on living and thinking or making a new graphic design approach (wich could take all of my live btw but i like it:-). I see myself as an open person, I am critical about what i do, read or hear. I like to explore and like to reach my goals in a playfull, read not every day manner. But if there is a goal i will reach it in the end. Sharing my idea's i will with those wich i think are trustworthy and intresting to work/live with.
Stand out online. Creating a must have.
How can we make your website stand out and get noticed? With billions of blogs and websites vying for eyeballs on the internet. How can you make yours stand out in the crowd? It's no good putting up a portfolio website and hoping that people just find you. You have to market yourself.. This process starts with having a good, easy-to-navigate website and strong content. But it's also about getting out there on the web- interacting chatting, commenting, advertising, Twittering, Flickring and Facebooking...
Content from a magazine called computer arts projects issue 122. Article by Dean Evans.
My website http://www.meeuw.cn
Well see you all next timeo.O |
Subject: Re:Anarconomy..
23/02/10, 22:45
airone |
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very good brainstorming in a nice and cozy atmosphere.
worktrotter is great in finding nice places and great hosts with interesting ideas to share.
Definitely a bright new way of seeing Copenhagen! |
Subject: Re:Anarconomy..
23/02/10, 21:12
AnAfricanInDenmark |
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I agree Dagmar.
It was an informative and relevant topic. The role which this "new" economy plays in our lives already was made quite clear and it was interesting to hear so many perspectives on the topic.
The one thing I took away was the fact that we will all have to adapt the way we look not only at ourselves and our "job" but also the potential for huge societal upheaval! The future will certainly be very interesting.
I'm looking forward to the next meet-up and hope to see some of the people I met today and also some new ones.
Thanks again!
Ricco |
Subject: Anarconomy..
07/03/10, 09:31
Dagmar |
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Great information on Anarconomy. It really makes you think how economy and job will look in the future.
We had 21 attendees (6 Danes + 15 internationals).
Please share your views on this event as reply to this message.
Download the slides of the presentation and more information about anarconomy. |
Last edited on: 07/03/10, 09:31 by admin for the Reason
Subject: Familiesammenføring/Family Re-unification/Work..
23/02/10, 08:39
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Familiesammenføring/Family Re-unification/Work
I have earlier placed my profile on Worktrotter, explaining a little of the problems there can be for those of us that have spent a lifetime in Denmark, with a short break under the sun, and then returning to DK with my danish family.
We have now received, 23/12/09 our Familieammenføring efter EU-retten, and I received my Registreringsbevis the same day. It took 12 months, slightly longer than the 2-3 weeks that is advertised on Stats-Forvaltnings own Web-Site. SO, once more I am legally admitted to DK, a country I have loved and called my Homeland for four decades.
Now, at the age of 60, I am seeking employment of any catagory, no car, mobile, PC or laptop, no bonus, transport re-inbursement or any other pocket warmers are required, so, you guys out there, can you help ! answ. direct; casavolante@yahoo.dk (North Zealand/CPH area. |
Subject: You children understand French? and you want to have a nice afternoon?..
18/02/10, 13:25
GN Byg |
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You children understand French? and you want to have a nice afternoon?
Dear French speakers with children,
I would just like to advertise for our little Association of French Speaking Families.
We are about 120 families of 17 different nationalities and we have at least 1 thing in common: our children have been exposed to the French language.
A couple of times a month, we meet around activities for children from 2 to 10-11 years old.
We function thanks to a handful volunteers that is why there are no subscription fees. (We are requesting 20 DDK/child to cover the fees for the material).
Usually, we meet in Fægteklubben Trekanten- Ryparkens Idrætsanlæg - Lyngbyvej 110, 2100 København Ø.
For more info please see:
or just give me a call (private phone 26 10 06 33)
Christine Bordin
www.GN-byg.dk |
Subject: Re:Getting a hair cut (supplemental)..
08/02/10, 14:43
bcmeier |
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Getting a hair cut
May I add this: my wife switched to a short hair cut, also.
Now this is our modus operandi: my wife cuts my hair and later I cut her's. We use a decent well-known hårklipper (that's a hair clipper) and off we go.
Sounds horrible? Not at all: our german woman hairdresser gave us 2 thumbs up - and she's in fashion.
So, another 20 cents for free. |
Keep going. |
Subject: Translation offered by linguistically educated, talented, and experien..
01/02/10, 09:21
Sussi |
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Translation offered by linguistically educated, talented, and experienced language worker
Subject:Translation offered by linguistically educated, talented, and experienced language worker
Translation into Danish from English, German, French, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian (both), Latin by a native Dane.
Translation from Danish into German. Please ask about other possibilities depending on the text.
Please see http://dk.linkedin.com/in/ulla1234 |
Subject: Re:Megatrends..
30/01/10, 19:02
buleybird |
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It was a great introduction to a very interesting field of research. Beyond Anders' thoughtful and fun presentation, I also thoroughly enjoyed the open, informal conversations that developed during the networking session afterwards. I left the meeting curious and inspired. I will definitely be back for upcoming CIFS talks. Thanks! |
Subject: Re:Megatrends..
30/01/10, 12:44
judith |
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A very thought-provoking session. Many of us questioned what was, or was not, on the list of megatrends. But that was the beginning of a worthwhile debate that I look forward to continuing. I particularly enjoyed my conversation with other attendees after the presentation. |
Last edited on: 30/01/10, 12:44 by judith for the Reason
Subject: Re:Megatrends..
27/01/10, 19:23
Dagmar |
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Very good point. How is a megatrend born? This is the topic of one of the upcoming events. Looking forward to it,
Dagmar |
Subject: Re:Megatrends..
27/01/10, 15:20
meeuwisscn |
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It was a good a event at least it made me think. I am a bit worried about the words that came up under megatrends. I guess/hope it is measured by asking people globally, but the words are very viewed from a perspective from i guess the higher and middle class people? Poverty is a side effect from wealth and it is there even today. Humanity the opposite of individualisation or cooperation. I think to connect megatrends with one words is not capturing the packets. It's more fluently. I think; i am more curious about how a trend starts. What is it origin? How does it evolve?
People have a need, a need to be loved for others to be appreciated, if the primairy basics are there. I think it is hard to give it one word. The story of the sheep if one sheep goes the rest will follow. It should be interesting to hear the story behind the word, what is it's origin.
Maybe it had something to do that i went in the future department. And those words are giving me not the expectation of a megatrend. I hoped to get some solutions about where lies it's source.
But anyway it was great to be amongst other people and i learned that there is a list of megatrends. And i can imagine to go deeper takes more time...maybe for the future . Thank you very much it was very good to hear and to learn. |
Subject: Re:Megatrends..
27/01/10, 11:08
AM |
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It was a good event, the discussions after the power point presentation was especially good. More events like this linking global issues to the local conditions would be interesting since as expats we all have different experiences and perspectives.
Andrew |
Subject: Megatrends..
27/01/10, 21:22
Dagmar |
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Great information on Megatrends. Quite some eye-openers for me.
We had 22 attendees (7 Danes + 15 internationals).
Please share your views on this event as reply to this message.
Next meeting in this series: Anarconomy. See www.worktrotter.dk/events.
See summary of the event. |
Last edited on: 27/01/10, 21:22 by Dagmar for the Reason