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Subject: Part-time. No Danish required..
09/05/10, 17:48
Sanus |
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Part-time. No Danish required
I’m looking for people who’d like to start their own independent business with the Juice PLUS+® Personal Franchise.
We provide unique, quality wholefood based nutritional products that help us fill the nutritional gap between what we should eat and what we do eat every day and offer a system for sharing those products - the Juice PLUS+® Personal Franchise.
You don’t need to speak Danish. Low start-up costs, no stock, no ‘back-office’ administration or financial risk. Support provided every step of the way with highest-quality training and sales materials.
The Juice PLUS+® Personal Franchise is a flexible business that you can tailor to your needs and according to your timing and objectives, so that you can start part-time and make it become, in time, your main income source.
One of the many advantages of owning a Juice PLUS+® Personal Franchise is that you can build the Juice PLUS+® business around your life - not vice versa. That makes it the perfect part-time business, whether you’re already out in the work force or working full time with your children at home.
Not only can this business improve your current life style both from an economic and well-being point of view, but it also leaves time to dedicate to your family and to things that you care about.
It is a business that you can do whenever and wherever you’d like to; in Denmark, in your home country or you can take it with you anywhere in the world where Juice PLUS+® is available to be shared.
Please get in touch with me.
http://www.worktrotter.dk/business.html?sobi2Task=sobi2Details&catid=20&sobi2Id=32 |
Subject: Re:Right ways to look for a job?..
08/05/10, 08:35
Dagmar |
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Right ways to look for a job?
Hi pez,
sorry to hear aout your struggels. It is a tought time for job seekers.
Have you been in touch with workindenmark.dk?
They can look at your profile, your CV, your applications and give you some advice on where to look and how to job search. It is very important that your job search is targeted and that you don't just send your standard CV and application to 50 companies. Those times are over.
Most jobs are filled with people that are recommended.
So, it is very important to have a network.
But big question: how do you build one, when you're new in a place?
Check out the groups, clubs, networks on LinkedIn, facebook, meetup etc. that are related to your profession. Go to their meetings even if the topic might not be imminently interesting. But you will be able to get in touch with people, find out what they are doing, mention what your qualifications are, ask for openings they know of, ask what company could look fo a profile like yours, etc.
Participate in forums and answer questions. You need to "profile" yourself as knowedgeable in that field. Admitted, that might be a challenge when you don't speak Danish, but if you can read and understand it, you can anytime answer in English.
Good luck,
Dagmar Fink
Living and working in Denmark |
Subject: Flea market at Rygaards school..
03/05/10, 18:31
Dagmar |
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Flea market at Rygaards school
Rygaards Schools' International Department is holding a Flea Market this Saturday, May 8th from 9:00 to 12:00 (pending dry weather) in the school parking lot and four square area. The address is Bernstorffsvej 54, 2900 Hellerup.
Parents from the International Department will be selling toys, books (English, Danish, etc), games, sports equipment, household items, baking, etc.
Drop by and find a bargain.
The Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark |
Subject: Re:How do I find a English or french speaking nanny?..
03/05/10, 09:25
Dagmar |
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How do I find a English or french speaking nanny?
Hi Christine,
looking forward to have you in DK.
If you want to be well prepared for your move here, I strongly recommend the Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark. It is the most comprehensive and detailed guide and it is written from the angle of newcomers. It covers all the questions you'll have in the first 1-3 years and will show you how to do things in an optimal way. Why re-invent the wheel? It is enough that we had to go through trial and error. You can now learn from our wisdom. http://www.worktrotter.dk/guide
Reg. nanny: the Worktrotter Business Directory has been set up to help you find somebody for the areas you need support in. You can also get in touch with LINK www.linkdenmark.com and check with their members about a nanny. Somebody might be leaving and might be searching for a good home for their nanny.
Best, Dagmar
Living and working in Denmark |
Subject: Re:Right ways to look for a job?..
28/04/10, 10:30
pez |
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Right ways to look for a job?
This type of answer is becoming part of my daily email greeting.
Dear ......
Thank you for your application.
I am sorry to inform you that we have proceeded with other candidates for the position.
We wish you the best of luck
I am starting to believe that this is a signature more than an statement. |
Subject: Right ways to look for a job?..
26/04/10, 15:58
pez |
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Right ways to look for a job?
Hi everyone, just got here 2 months ago and bought the book right away.
So far got my Cpr number, Doctor and this week i should start my language course, but i am lost on the search for jobs, so far everything require danish as main language and english, spanish or italian as secondary.
If anyone require an IT guy for any type of service "repairs, upgrades or web pages" don't be shy i am all ears, i really need to get doing something and thats why i am desperate looking for my first chance.
To the equation i also studding sap, but seems that this experience is becoming very challenging with the language change and also the sap requirements.
I have follow the guide step by step related to job search and ways to ask around, but i am in the period of becoming a little to scare of asking around. |
Subject: Ratgeber für Dänemark..
22/04/10, 12:57
Tom |
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Der Worktrotter-Ratgeber für Dänemark
Ratgeber für Dänemark
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin vor 3 Wochen hier in Dänemark angekommen und bin glücklicherweise einige Zeit vor meiner Ausreise aus Deutschland auf den "Dänemarkratgeber" gestoßen.
Das Buch ist wirklich sehr hilfreich, vor allem die Gliederung ermöglicht es einem spezielle Themen schnell zu finden und sich schlau zu machen. Ich konnte mich auf jeden Fall durch das Buch Schritt für Schritt sehr gut vorbereiten und so war mein Anfang hier mit allen administrativen Umfängen sehr reibungsfrei!
Besonders gefallen hat mir die Angabe der Internetlinks mit denen man sich unter seinen Favoriten eine wirklich tollen Dänemarkordner erstellen kann und so immer alles schnell griffbereit hat.
Vielen Dank an Dagmar für dieses wirklich gelungene Buch!
Schöne Grüße
Tom |
Subject: How do I find a English or french speaking nanny?..
15/04/10, 15:24
snufsen |
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How do I find a English or french speaking nanny?
We are moving to Copenhagen in mid August this year, and we would like to find a nanny that either speaks French or English for our 3 year old son.
I cannot find any good recommendations on how to find such a nanny (that would work out of our home, not her own home).
If anyone has any recommendations or can share their own experience on how to find a great nanny in Copenhagen, I would be thrilled to hear from you!
Also - if anyone knows, what should you count on paying for a full time (8 am - 6 pm) nanny?
Thanks to everyone and I am sure I'll be having about a million questions before we land in CPH this fall!
Christine |
Subject: Feedback to Dagmar's interviews..
15/04/10, 11:32
Dagmar |
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Subject: Startup weekend..
13/04/10, 19:56
Dagmar |
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Innovation club
Startup weekend
This event was amazing. I have seldomly experienced events that were so full of energy, inspiring and creativity.
Startup weekend has a very interesting approach:
any attendee can pitch an idea and see if it can interest others to participate in making it happen.
After the pitches, the attendees get three votes that they can distribute among the pitches.
Around each of the 10-12 ideas with the most votes a team will gather (via networking and via requesting certain skills).
The teams will then work over the weekend until Sunday 7pm, when a jury will decide on a winner.
Mentors with different backgrounds will be around to help them to answer questions or to give them some inspiration on aspects to consider.
Here’s the results from the event April 9-11:
We had 110 participants from all over Denmark and also from Germany and Sweden.
Of the 110 participants we had 40 (!) pitches, of which 14 ideas have been voted to be the best ones.
12 teams were then built which had between 2 and 15 team members.
We had 7 mentors with backgrounds in coaching, presentation, IT, media, entrepreneurship etc.
We had 7 jury members with backgrounds in entrepreneurship, legal, venture capital etc. And we had winners in the categories best design, best presentation and best project (which won 10.000 DKK).
It was amazing how far the teams got. On Sunday after 19:00 we had stunning presentations, up and running websites and already the first customers. I am sure there are several startups going to result from this event.
See http://copenhagen.startupweekend.org/ for more information on the teams, the pitches, jury members, mentors, sponsors. etc. etc. See also what the Copenhagen Voice says about the event: http://cphvoice.ning.com/profiles/blogs/copenhagen-startup-event.
This event was amazing on quality, professionalism, energy and innovative spirit. The jurors have underlined the quality of the event and of the outcome in their feedback.
I am 100% sure that Denmark will benefit a lot of such events and based on the great feedback and good results we have planned .
the next Startup weekend for fall 2010
Living and working in Demark |
Last edited on: 13/04/10, 19:56 by Dagmar for the Reason
Subject: Vi taler Dansk April 13, 2010..
13/04/10, 19:34
Dagmar |
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Vi Taler Dansk
Vi taler Dansk April 13, 2010
Wow, we were 14 people! What a bunch. Great seeing so many people chatting away in a language they didn't think they were good enough at to make 5 sentences.
Let's give Lisa and Jana a hand for taking the initiative. From what I heard they have many great ideas for upcoming meetings.
See you next time
Living and working in Denmark |
Subject: Car hire..
13/04/10, 14:02
chr1sg |
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Car hire
Does anyone have experience of hiring vehicles in Denmark? In particular, is it possible to hire vehicles for cross-border travel? And if so, are there any companies that don't have a ridiculously low included mileage allowance? |
Subject: Globalise yourself event on April 8th..
09/04/10, 10:12
BrianKeith |
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Globalise yourself
I was glad to attend this IT-related event and meet other folks who work in my field. It was the first time I've met other IT people in Denmark - we tend to be isolated in our own silos!
The first presentation (on the results of surveys of Danish people who worked abroad) was mildly interesting, but I felt was not very relevant to the audience. We could have benefited more from a discussion about the pros and cons of working abroad, how to capitalize on one's experience, etc.
The second presentation (on the merits of working for the UN or WHO) was mildly better and raised some worthwhile and relevant topics about good and bad working conditions, ways of finding work, etc.
I'd like to attend a follow-up session which could focus more on working conditions at private Danish firms: how to negotiate contracts, what benefits to expect, what to do if you're being exploited -- many of the issues that are of concern to PROSA members. Sessions should be split up according to private sector vs. government, because the issues are different in these 2 fields. |
Subject: Globalise yourself ..
09/04/10, 08:15
Dagmar |
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Globalise yourself
Dear all,
thanks for coming so numerous (23 attendees) to the Prosa/Worktrotter joint event about working globally (as "Work"-trotters do). It was again a Danish/international crowd that attended.
I'm very happy that we also had Lars from the trade union DJØF holding a presentation, so we went far beyond the IT space.
It shows that working globally has some challenges, but the better we know about them, the better we can meet them well prepared.
After the program we had very lively networking.
Lars' presentation and the survey they did at DJØF will be published here in short time.
Have a great weekend,
Dagmar |
Subject: Re:Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK..
08/04/10, 09:27
airone |
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Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK
I've been living here for 1 year, and I was always puzzled on "why" people seem to laugh in the tense moments...
It's always nice to discuss common topics and have new insights |
Subject: Calling entrepreneurs, techies, lawyers, marketeers, etc...
28/03/10, 12:11
Subject: Re:How was Sparkup March 2010 (Taxes)..
26/03/10, 13:46
judith |
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Spark Up Your Stay
How was Sparkup March 2010 (Taxes)
This was a great meeting. The information was very valuable, and the accountant, Peter Kallerman, was extremely generous with his time and knowledge. Afterwards, I followed up personally with him, and he graciously answered more questions for me. I learned enough to feel comfortable doing my own taxes this year, but when I do need professional help, I will definitely use his services. So this was a real win-win situation. We got in-depth free guidance from an expert, and those people with more complex situations, found a great tax advisor. |
Subject: Green card holders and their jobs..
23/03/10, 11:21
Dagmar |
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Green card holders and their jobs
Hello folks,
TV2 wants to do a program about people on the green card scheme in Denmark who have a very good education but unfortunatly need to work in lower qualified jobs. This is wasted experience and capabilities.
Who is interested in participating?
This is urgent. The program should be aired tomorrow, March 24 20010.
Dagmar Fink
contact (@) worktrotter.dk
The Worktrotter's Guide to Denmark |
Subject: Re:Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK..
16/03/10, 13:48
ellw |
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Unwritten rules and workplace culture in DK
It was a very enjoyable meeting - its nice to know I'm not the only one who has these problems and it was enlightening to hear a little what about 'us' bugs 'them'. One step closer to surviving here ! |
Subject: How was Sparkup March 2010 (Taxes)..
15/03/10, 21:03
Dagmar |
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Spark Up Your Stay
How was Sparkup March 2010 (Taxes)
We had again the room full of people. 40 participants learned about the changes in the tax system for 2010 and about what to pay attention to in their annual tax return for 2009 due end April 2010. Peter Kallermann from Kallermann Revision A/S gave as a great introduction into the topic and was asked many questions around the participants' particular situation.
Please share your feedback as reply to this entry. The more people understand the value of these events the better.
Information about living and working in Denmark |
Last edited on: 15/03/10, 21:03 by Dagmar for the Reason