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Subject: Re:Re:Green card visa (working in Denmark)..
08/11/11, 09:10
sohailjamil |
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Green card visa (working in Denmark)
I am new to this forum, i would like to ask from seniors that I am qualified from pakistan and working in school if i get green card than i can get job for teaching or there are some conditions for taking job in this profession. And before moving to denmark what you suggest to take necessary steps? |
Subject: Copenhagen housing hell [RANT]..
16/10/11, 11:50
Vagabond |
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Copenhagen housing hell [RANT]
I landed here a week ago to start on a full time job I was offered but the housing situation is so bad that I'm now seriously considering to cut my losses, call it quits and fly back to civilization. This post is a warning to potential expats considering coming here, a rant to let me vent and perhaps a request for suggestions on the off chance I'm doing something blatantly wrong.
First and foremost the abysmal scarcity. I've responded to more than forty ads in the two most popular rental sites (after forking out $67 for a 2-month subscription to one of them; now I understand why there are no weekly, biweekly or even monthly plans) and I've heard back from just four. Two had already been rented out, one was available for only two weeks (!!) and only one was a potential long-term match, or so it seemed (more on that later). Initially I was rather selective in my search criteria but after the first dozen or so of non-responses I started replying to almost everything within in a ~30' drive from the center. Cheap rooms, expensive 2-bedroom flats, short-term, long-term, furnished, unfurnished, you name it. Still no dice, deafening email silence.
I started imagining all sorts of possible and less possible reasons. Maybe the sites were not forwarding my emails correctly or they were ending up to some spam black hole. Maybe landlords prefer being called on the phone instead of email (don't have a number here yet). Maybe they ignore mails not written in dansk. Maybe I'm not looking at the right places. Hell if I knew. Then a web search brought me to pages like this and my heart sank. I realized it's not me, it's them. As I was also told from at least two more independent sources, the overwhelming housing demand swamps the supply.
Nevertheless, I still maintained a glimpse of hope that all these non-responses don't matter, all I need is just one response. Once I had a candidate I'd go view it, close it on the spot and be done with it, for a few months at least. As it turns out, I was in for a (second) surprise.
So I eventually got one non-negative reply for a long-term rental and dropped by to see the place at Islands Brygge, one of the supposedly better areas, and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. The building looked like a century old, fourth floor with no elevator (seems to be the norm almost everywhere), the room practically unfurnished, a tiny toilet that barely fits a person and to top it off the shower was basically a hose that sticks out of the sink. The guy was asking around $750/month for this slum and said he had 10 other people calling him up to view it since yesterday night that he posted it, and he'd need "to think about it for a few days" before he decided. An hour after I left he texts me saying "sorry, I can't help you, good luck finding something". Who knows, perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for the establishment was a deal breaker. It's mind-boggling.
To say I'm having second thoughts about accepting this job offer is an understatement. The more I'm staying here, the more it seems it was a bad call. Donating half of my paycheck to the taxman in order to live in a city overpriced by any measure is one thing. Begging to rent a room that I'd dismiss as a student in New Jersey six years ago takes it too far. Anyway, by the end of this week this bad joke will come to an end, one way or another.
V. |
Subject: Re:Paying fine..
09/10/11, 14:02
Sage |
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Paying fine
What country you live in? I would forget about the penalty if you won't be visiting Denmark again in the short period of time. |
Subject: Paying fine..
02/10/11, 18:37
Santo |
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Paying fine
I visited Copenhagen for a day as a tourists and by mistake went to Zone 2 with a Zone 1 ticket. I was given a ticket. 750 DKK. Now I am back in my country. I dont know how to pay the fine now. Internet Banking here is only for national transfer. My 14 day period is also going to be over. What will happen if I dont pay the fine. I dont know if I will be able to visit the country again. I gave my passport for identification.
Please advise me.
Thanks in advance.
Santo |
Subject: Re:my friends can you please tell me is it possible to get a coach to ..
07/09/11, 06:20
Subject: my friends can you please tell me is it possible to get a coach to den..
03/09/11, 12:12
stephen |
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my friends can you please tell me is it possible to get a coach to denmark from london
Subject:my friends can you please tell me is it possible to get a coach to denmark from london
Is it possible to get a coach from london victoria station to denmark. although iam going to GORLOSE thats my final destanation i have to reach but can anyone please give me a idea of the price.. I'am coming from n.ireland via london unto Denmark Thank you stephen |
Subject: Jobs in IT in Copenhagen at Roozz..
31/08/11, 11:04
Subject: Meet Up?..
18/08/11, 00:23
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Meet Up?
Hi everyone,
I have just moved to Aalborg from Ireland and I am 20 years old. I was wondering if there was anyone interested in meeting up for a drink or coffee or something? I'm still new to the area so I don't know many of the great spots yet! |
Subject: Re:Short-term roommate..
12/08/11, 10:03
Subject: Re:Moving from Denmark/Selling Furnishings..
11/08/11, 22:58
Sunshine |
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Moving from Denmark/Selling Furnishings
What do you have to sell by the way ? And in which part of dk are you living ? I need to buy some new staff for my living room and i do not wabt to pay the full price |
Subject: Re:Moving from Denmark/Selling Furnishings..
11/08/11, 22:55
Subject: Jobs for english speaking proffesionals ..
11/08/11, 18:37
Sunshine |
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Jobs for english speaking proffesionals
Hey folks,
What about sharing the name of the companies and maybe the websites that hires English speaking proffesionals ? |
Subject: Re:Excellent guide..
09/08/11, 08:13
Subject: Moving from Denmark/Selling Furnishings..
22/07/11, 12:15
Carriedavand |
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Moving from Denmark/Selling Furnishings
I am moving from Denmark and have a whole apartment full of furnishings that I am leaving behind. I'm looking on any advice on selling and/or donating used items. What websites are good for listing items for sell? Are there any organizations/companies that will take/purchase/receive donations of a whole apartment's worth of furnishings?
Thanks so much! |
Subject: Complaining to the rent tribunal and get reimbursed for excess rent..
21/07/11, 19:44
ClauGzzE |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
I wish we had known about this before our problems with the landlord. I hope this helps foreigners in Denmark. There are a lot of landlords taking advantage because they know, foreigners, especially expats, leave after they complete their work assignment.
Please send this to as many people as possible. This is all legal and its all in this website.
It is not uncommon that foreign tenants pay as much as the above rent of 9500 + utilities for 68m2. A flat of 68m2 should cost no more than 4550 + utilities.
If you are paying too much, you can complain to the Rent Tribunal (Huslejenævnet) in the municipality where you live. You can complain both about a normal lease, as well as rooms/flats rented on subleases. The rent cannot be increased on the initiative by the Rent Tribunal.
In 2010, it costs 131 DKK to submit a complaint to the Rent Tribunal. It costs 262 DKK to complain of two issues. Seven of ten people who complain have their rent lowered. If you complain within the first year, you can have excessive rent which you have already paid returned. If you complain after the first year, you can have the future rent lowered. Your landlord cannot evict you because you have complained of the rent.
You should submit a written complaint with a letter stating briefly what you are complaining of. You must also include the lease, and any other documents relevant to your complaint. You will subsequently receive information about how to pay the fee. The Rent Tribunal accepts that you write in English, however, they respond in Danish.
If you live in the municipality of Copenhagen you can submit a scanned copy to borgerservice@kk.dk or mail it to Huslejenævnet, Københavns Kommune, Rådhuset, 1599 København V.
If you live in the municipality of Frederiksberg, you must email it to lejeret@frederiksberg.dk or mail it to Huslejenævnet, Fredriksberg Kommune, Rådhuset, 2000 Frederiksberg. Telephone: 38214237/38214238.
You can also complain about the amount of the deposit and the prepaid rent, if they exceed 6 months rent, as well as a variety of other unreasonable demands made by the landlord. |
Subject: Re:Problems with housing agency or landlord?..
07/11/11, 13:17
ClauGzzE |
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Problems with housing agency or landlord?
Rent: 14,750 DKK / Month
Length of Stay: 2 years
He had the worst landlord experience in our adult lives. Not only we had multiple issues with the apartment, but the landlord kept a big part of our deposit because of "administrative" issues. He waited until we were overseas to send the relocation company a message that he would keep 13,000 DKK instead of the 4,000 DKK he was entitled to. None of this was detailed in the contract, but now that my husband and I are back in the US, we are unable to dispute any of the money he is keeping. Its not like we are going to hire a lawyer and deal with this from here.
During our stay, we had to deal with multiple issues with the apartment and on every single one of them, he delayed fixing the issues due to the high cost.
I hope that by posting this, people could avoid what we went through. |
Last edited on: 07/11/11, 13:17 by admin for the Reason
Subject: Re:Right ways to look for a job?..
21/07/11, 11:36
mztanz |
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Right ways to look for a job?
Hi Pez I understand your situation. It is unfortunately hard to find work at this moment in DK. I suggest you try to get a hold of job agencies like Adecco, temp-team or rex&lindeborgh. You mught get lucky even with temporary jobs to start with that doesnt require that much danish. Some people find their luck starting as temp workers and evt. getting a full contract. Hope this helps and good luck with the job search! |
Subject: Re:How was Business Corner October..
19/07/11, 19:56
Mike |
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Business Corner
How was Business Corner October
Regarding SKAT. I read the English brochure. The bulk of the information deals with retail sales. How different is the operation of a sole proprietorship consultancy with no "goods" and only service? |
Subject: Short-term roommate..
19/07/11, 19:24
Mike |
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Short-term roommate
I am coming to Copenhagen in late October to see the work of city planner Jan Gael. In view of all the discussion of the high cost of housing, I wonder if someone would like to have a paying guest in a spare room for a week. For someone like me with zero Danish--but with my trusty Lingopal app--it might be mutually helpful. Thanks. |
Subject: Taxation for remote workers in Denmark..
11/07/11, 11:18
Englishman in Denmark |
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Taxation for remote workers in Denmark
I recently moved to DK to live with my girlfriend, and was lucky enough to be able to bring my work with me. I am still employed by a UK firm as a remote employee and pay PAYE tax in the UK as I always have done.
I return to the UK frequently for work purposes, but am aware that once I've been in DK for more than 183 days, I will be liable for tax here.
Does anyone know what the rules are governing taxation for remote workers such as myself? Specifically, does anyone have personal experience of a similar situation and have any answers to the following questions:
-Is it possible to remain employed abroad and pay tax locally?
-Is it not until 183 days have passed that I need to make these decisions? -How do they measure when the 183 days starts, and can trips back to the UK be subtracted from this time?
-When it comes to the 183 day point, will my tax be assessed for the tax year at that point or the 12 month period leading up to that point?
I'm aware that I probably need to get a professional consultation for these questions, but thought that this forum might be a good first step for some anecdotal advice.
Alex |